Last Verified: 10/22/2014
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Genealogy: Advice for Effective Searches - Answer a series of simple questions and get free, customized advice on the most effective next steps in your genealogy search.
AfriGeneas - Good information about African-American genealogy
American-Canadian Genealogical Society - Suited for American-Canadian research
American-French Genealogical Society - Dedicated to American-French research - Premier website, dedicated to genealogy, good search tools - Etymology and history of first names
Cemetery Junction - Information on thousands of cemeteries
Commonwealth War Graves Commission - Information on soldiers who died in WWI and WWII
Cyndi's List - Lists over 209,000 genealogical resources - Acadian-Cajun-Louisiana genealogy, history and culture - A project of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Family Tree Search - Enter your ancestor information just once to search your ancestry at multiple online genealogy databases. - More than 40,000 genealogical links
Genealogy Today - Family tree articles and search engines
Genealogy Toolbox - Tons of searches and information, very informative site - Over 25,000 browsable burial records online
JewishGen - Source for Jewish research
Library of Congress Genealogy Reading Room - Large government collection to browse - Good resource center, includes good guides to follow
Mayflower passenger list - Good listing of passengers from the original Mayflower
National Genealogical Society - Another genealogy focused group
North American Genealogical Resources - Large categorized collection of links - Newcomer information, searches, more - The oldest and largest genealogy site
Social Security Death Index - Find out if someone you are searching for had died - Good surname pages and links to family pages
USGenWebProject - Good sized collection of genealogical links - How to obtain vital records (birth certificates, death certificates, etc.)
Yahoo genealogy clubs - Join a genealogy club, over 3000 to choose from - Genealogy and family member resources