Last Verified: 06/29/2015
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| - Packed with info and articles
Adam Medical Encyclopedia - Great encyclopedia
American Hospital Directory - Good directory
American Medical Association - Physician group
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Doctor Certification Lookup, By Certifacts - Check your doctor - Must visit site for doctors - Serves the special needs of people. - US gov. health gateway - Excellent resource
Human Anatomy Online - Good site, info packed
Intense Workout - Exercise, Diet, Nutrition
Internet Mental Health - Mental health resource
Learn CPR - Where and how to learn CPR
Journal of Postgraduate Medicine
Mayo Clinic - World famous clinic, online
Merck Manual Online - Very popular reference - Medical and Bioscience journals - Good medical dictionary
National Library of Medicine - Good gov site
Osha, Ohsas - Health and Safety
Physician's Desk Reference - Official website
Prescription Drug Index - Drug information - Very popular health site
